Friday, April 15, 2011

You Will Get Better

Monday noon and the right sided head pain roars up. It tries to calm down but it doesn’t know how. Even the pain is exhausted by itself.

There has also been this massive shift in the weather, from cold to suddenly its 91 degrees and humid sweltering sticky and the blossoms are wilting off the trees.

My mate has a very bad headache and calls from work, trying to figure out what else he can take, and decides its time for his own migraine drugs.

I know some of the things I need. And so I focus on them.
They are sleep, rest, calm.
Eat chicken and turkey and buttermilk biscuits and drink milk.
Take the vitamin D and magnesium and find out if calcium and fish oil would be good to resume.
Reduce and avoid caffeine, except for iced tea which is its own Miracle.
For dinner I will make a large Greek salad.

The pain wants to electrocute my flesh from the head down to the upper right abdomen.

But I look at myself in the mirror, and calmly calmly I tell her,

“You will get better.”

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