Friday, April 15, 2011

The Offer

I slept eight hours! This is a Blessed Miracle!

I can feel my head is trying to rebuild Rome.

All night the skies stormed, and today outside is a heavy mist and fog.
My kind of weather.

Pink cherry blossoms and a silver pond.

Today my mate might get an offer from the Missouri/Texas company.

If so, likely we will have to say farewell to the violets, and to the beach,
To the oak trees, and the Ping.

We will have to herd the cats.

Earlier he has been saying a very Harry Potter sort of saying~
“Novus Ordo Seculorum”
with the accepted translation: 'A New Order of the Ages'
It’s written on the dollar bill. (Novus is the company offering him a job.)

When he returned from St. Louis last week, he had called from the airport and asked what he could bring me.

A postcard, I said.

And he did, and it turned out it was of Hardscrabble Farm.
This was Ulysses S. Grant’s cabin and farm.
With the help of friends, in 1855, the cabin was built in three days.
Grant had an orchard and grew fruit and wheat and potatoes.

So we may be making a trip to Chocolate Bayou.

Say it like that, a trip to chocolate bayou.


It sounds musical.

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