Thursday, April 28, 2011

Waffle Iron of Love

I have the best boyfriend in the world. When I lie back down with him in the morning, just to cuddle for a few minutes before he gets up at 6 am to leave for work by 7, he wakes up sweet and groggy and asks where I have been.

I explain my head forced me out of bed again but that I missed him and did not leave by choice.

"I should make us some waffles right now," I say. "Wouldn't buttermilk waffles and maple syrup and butter be delicious?"

"Yes," he agrees.

But I have been waiting for years to get a waffle iron. As if I would someday live somewhere where I would be settled enough to get a waffle iron. Like then I wouldn't have to move it, as if a waffle iron were some large piece of furniture.

As if my life were going to happen someday in the future.

What have you put off?

What have you been waiting for?

I have not had a waffle iron since my family had the fantastic old hunky green one which was nearly an antique and made thick crisp golden waffles.

In my late twenties a girlfriend and I threw a waffle party at my apartment, complete with fresh ginger syrup, but even then we borrowed waffle makers.

My mate says, as if reading my mind, "I am going to go get you a waffle iron.
What are we waiting for?"

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