Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tattie's Inaugural Off Season Easter Egg Hunt

I had had other plans for Easter. I had had other plans for April. I had had other plans for my life.

For Easter I was supposed to be in Bellingham WA celebrating with my family and partaking in Easter Egg Hunts.

But I was so ill all of April that all plans were sent scattering.
Instead, I nearly died of pain, started steroids, got new doctors, flew to Houston with my mate to check out his potential new job site, and then made it to RI where I spent Easter with E.

Her plans went awry also as the three darling nieces did not appear for the egg hunt and general festivities.
But we dyed eggs anyway and played Boggle and made and ate walnut gingerbread and had tea.
We participated in a funerary ceremony which entailed putting her beloved mother's ashes (she died six years ago) in a phenomenal 86 pound urn with lotuses and poems that her father had cast, there at the front door, surrounded by her mother's garden of tulips. The sky held puffy blue clouds and then just as we did the ceremony a quick Spring shower happened. There was some brief sweet singing of 'Until we meet again, dont know where, dont know when...'

And now I am back in NJ and I am trying to get well enough to fly west next week, to get to Bellingham to see my family and friends and my village and my bay and mountains and islands and evergreens and apple trees, and to kick off Tattie's Inaugural Off Season Easter Egg Hunt for my darling niece Lucy and my darling nephew Kash.

We do what we can. Whenever we can.

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