Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Most Curious Pricking

All day today, April 9th, and maybe last night also, there’s the most curious pricking going on in the right side of my head.

Pricking, prickling.

Prickling pricking.

Small porcupines.

I have to say strangely it is almost pleasurable, some of which must just be the relief and contrast from the horrific pain, crackling, sloshing, and pressure I have had other times.
And this is not the electricity, knives, and lightning bolts.

If I had to describe it, I would say it is like many woolly bear caterpillars typing on tiny typewriters.

Or is it a miniature English hedgehog convention? And are they sleep walking?

Gone are the days of Osama Bin Laden eating pop-rocks in the cave of my head, and gone is the Morton Salt Girl stomping and sloshing about. The fizzing and fireworks have backed off a bit, as has the stabby icicle, ice pick. Gone is the long bladed knife lightning.

And now it’s this funny prickling, almost tickling.

You know that pre-sneeze- tickle one gets-it’s almost like that, but in slow motion, lasting a long time.

Or it’s like the prickly swaying of tiny cactus needles as a desert breeze blows over them.

Is my head about to burst forth in cactus blooms?

(Hmm, that could be bad. And then would a cactus wren come and nest there? Would I hear the bird song? That could be nice.)

I reduced the prednisone yesterday from 10 and 10 mg to 10 and 5 mg and today I have had just 5 mgs as I wean self.

I slept the second night in a row without drugging myself with benadryl, though it was not a good sleep, so I have gone and gotten some valerian root tincture,

which I shall begin soon, drops in water.

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