Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dis Ease of the Nerves

What Dr. Chenitz did was connect some dots.

I still don’t know what the picture is.
It’s like a cryptogram.
But it’s a step in deciphering the code, the hieroglyphics.

I still don’t know what it means that his pushing a spot on my head shot immense pain into the three places that had landed me in the ER in 2007, 2008, and 2010 but somehow suddenly I saw that what I was dealing with was all the same thing, has a similar root.

Before this, some time in 2010, I began to realize that I was not dealing with just crippling never ending cycles of migrainous head pain, but that “migraine” itself is a complex neurological condition.

But even with these dawnings, it was hard for me to understand that a disease of the nervous system, or a neurological disease, meant The Nerves.

Part of the problem is trying to use the brain to understand the brain, and trying to use our fantastic nervous system to think about the nervous system, and part of the trouble is that my poor brain has been under such duress and so inflamed for so long, it was having trouble with the basics.

Plus, I am not a doctor.

And even doctors are not supposed to be their own doctors.

So this is why I say Hallelujah I now have Dr. Raab and Dr. Ponti and Dr. Chenitz and magical Olympia with her healing ways.

But here is what I am wondering, ‘What is going on?’ Hahahahahaha.

Even now sometimes I feel the stabbing in the upper right abdomen and I am afflicted with an endless burping that has nothing to do with eating or drinking or digestion. It started around 2008 when the upper right ab went into agonies and it has never gone away.
Now it makes me think that it is that nerve being stimulated.
And that the same goes for the weird blacking out I was having when eating over the past six years, some wackiness with the vagus nerve perhaps.

Or all the cranial nerves being played and frayed.

The Devil went down to Georgia.

So the fact that I now finally see that what I have is a major Dis Ease of the Nerves, explains why for so many years I have felt like I was under the Voodoo.

And doesn’t it also sort of explain why my entire life when I would get poison ivy or when I got chicken pox or a sunburn or anything, that it would run rampant and blister all my skin and even my brain? Something with the nervous wiring.

So now I want to know what that crackling and pressure in the right side head is, that then my nose bleeds, and if it hadn’t been going on for six darn months I would be sure it was going to kill me, but look, I am still here. It is alarming and can be excruciating, but I am still here.

And I think ok well good, fine, at least the blood finds a way to get out. Maybe little surgeons are in there with their tool kits and now I don’t have to resorb all the waste. The body needs ways to purge itself.

So is that nerves? Or veins? Or arteries? Or membranes? Or organs? Or organelles? Or cells? Or mitochondrion? Or neurons? Or all of the above?

So I am focused on how to heal that. How to get sleep. How to rebuild the nervous system. (I feel it doing it itself and I want to help.)

I want to stay focused on how to heal possible nerve damage in right side head.
Reduce inflammation, get sleep, avoid light triggers, be calm. Rest.
Maybe fish oil, gla, calcium. Nutrition.

Thanks to the prednisone I am alive and I have weathered another Epic Ordeal.
So many this lifetime.

And so if I need the prednisone again, or to stay on it for a lot longer while we figure this out, I will give thanks I have that as a lifeline.

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