Friday, April 15, 2011

Olympia Session #7

She is the thing that is able to calm down my pain, her work is what calms it down.

And she is off to to her own homeland of California for her nephew’s wedding and some treatment of her own, her own time on the table.

So I won’t be seeing her again until she gets back and I am right there as she begins again, on April 25th.

I will be pining for my time on that table.

In her work, it as if she chases the wolverine of my pain, until she catches it, and pins it, and calms it. She begins with my posture and my hips and then I lie on my back on the table. She works on the psoas muscle on my right side, and sometimes on the chest and neck. Always on the head, often on the left foot.

The pain likes to snake up from my center front right abdomen and then push into my back and up into my head.

Today she had it all calmed down.

It was time for me to go.

But then she an intuition she should work on my upper left leg, and when she did so indeed I felt the black spot in the right side of my head, and the poor thing was like a black spot in a rotten apple.

It was also like a metal silver ball of mercury that had metal talons which snaked down my body and needed to be sent back into the ball if they were not to cause me harm.

When she put pressure on my upper left leg, Above where the left knee hurts and the leg lumps are below, this amazing sinewy snake of sensation unwound through my left leg like tickling and coiling and all sorts of strange feelings, and I immediately had an image that I was rock climbing in the Garden of the Gods in Colorado.

Who knows what it means? But I love Garden of the Gods.

I began with Olympia less than a month ago and in that first session,
she reconnected me with my purpose to help people.
To get well so I can begin again.

She is here to help the chronic pain sufferers.
It is not as easy task, and she is good with the job.

When I get well enough I would like to follow in some of her footsteps.

I have asked her to drive by the house and see if it feels right to her.
It is important that she sees it first when the cherry trees are still blooming.

I have told her how I love the house, how it is like my friend.

I can tell you more about this later. Suffice it to say, since I first met her and began working with her, many miraculous things have occurred. Her work restores me. I feel I went to the temple and I am being tended to.

Since then, I begin to prepare the house for a goddess, and our house here reminds me again of Shenmen, a magical healing center where I worked in Seattle, under the auspices of Jessica Randall, acupuncturist/herbalist/medical intuitive/artist.

Olympia is having Spring of her own. Her new friend Patrick is attentive.
I ask her of a possible anniversary date with him and she says March 24th, when they met.

I know she can see potential, the potential, in all things.

Outside the giant bees are bashing into the cherry blossoms.


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