Monday, April 4, 2011

Enter Steroids

I sleep between 6 and 10 am and awaken to severe head pain on both sides. It was never not there.

Dear Head, what do I do?

Shall we go to hospital? Take an Imitrex? Start prednisone?
Can you hold down soup?

I prepare myself for come what may.
The shower makes me feel better psychologically.
Water, soap, lotion, refreshment, splashing ions.

At this point I know I will probably have to cancel my trip to see my best friend this week. She is in RI and it is her birthday but she might as well be on a distant star that I can only see from the edge of my cave on another planet.

At noon on Sunday April 3rd I start the steroids.

I don’t like taking pills but with each one I swallow I say, “This pill is going to help me.”

Soon I feel anxious, queasy, dizzy, and very cold. There are floating swirling bits in my eyes. My head pain remains the same, severe.

But soon I also hear something stop screaming.
I hear something back off, retreat a tiny bit.

By 3 I am still dizzy and queasy and cold, and my head is very painful.
But I am no longer thinking about going straight to the hospital.

It is like the pain is still there, but I care less.

Let’s assume that is a good thing.

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