Thursday, April 28, 2011


Today is day 9 of the head pain, or is day 365 x 3? As a prisoner here, I have lost track of reality.

This is my 4th Imitrex in 5 days. Today is Thursday.

Easter Sunday was my first dose.

It is neither a miracle cure nor a drug that lands me in the ER.

It was prescribed a year ago, and countless times during the year I held it in my hand and almost took it, but was scared off because I kept having severe high blood pressure spikes, and elevated bp is a contraindication.
I also had many other health problems I was trying to attend to so the head did not always get priority as sometimes the right shoulder or upper right abdomen or heart or feet or knee were screaming.

Also, my migraines were what are called Complex, with scary stroke-like symptoms which leave me without access to words, delayed to speak, and with Intense Aura, spots and holes in everything.

So half the docs said Dont take the Imitrex and half said Do, and so how do you know what to do?

Well on Easter it was Finally Try It, as I was on Day 4 of severe migraine and ibuprofen and fioricet had given me less than an hour of relief. So it was either try it, re start steroids, or head for hospital.

I was with E at her home in RI. Thank you my Friend for giving me an opportunity to finally try my medication.

It helped.

Not immensely the first time. The first time it made me queasy for about an hour, but then at the two hour mark I felt a sweet tiredness and drifted for a few moments, closer to sleep than hell, and then I went down and rejoined people and ate some dinner.

Then I took Benadryl and went to bed.
The next day the pain was severe. I took the Imitrex again. In about two hours I began to feel a slight relief. I could smile and I became talkative.
The next day the pain was back, and was severe. I considered the ER.
But two hours after taking another Imitrex, I could feel the cloud of pain back off, and I was able to eat dinner, and take a short walk, and go to bed and sleep 6-7 hours.
So yesterday my pain was finally lower and my period was ending and I thought I might be granted a stay of daily execution, but by last night the pain was roaring.
Still, I thought I might make it through. But the pain never goes away by itself.

I tried the valerian tincture for the second time, took a bath, and went to bed. Slept 5 hours before the pain finally awakened me, drenched in sweat, queasy, agonized.

Now it is 7 am. I am having goldfish crackers and coke. Waiting for the Imitrex to disseminate through me.

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