Monday, April 4, 2011

The Jewelry Cure

I find myself wearing all the jewelry I have, in strange combinations and changed repeatedly throughout the day and night. Rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets. They are all presents from family and friends and my mate. I have been very blessed with their riches. They are my real jewels, these people with whom I have kinship.

Other medicines I have been using include

Hot chocolate
Chai tea with milk
Buttermilk biscuits

Hot baths with Epsom salts and herbs

Smelling lots of lavender, I crave the flowers and have surrounded myself with sachets

Also smelling peppermint

Cleaning the house as best I can, external harmony makes me feel better

Petting the dog and cats

Music in small doses

Lying still for brief moments and imagining a better future in which I am not held hostage by pain

Imaging I am on the treatment table and Olympia is working on me

Looking at art

Sticking stickers on things

Using up things around the house and not saving or hoarding anything, nothing is for “later”

Next up is to try to do some art project and to get some valerian root tincture.

Maybe to wear more make up, thick-like paint, to paint myself over.

And hope to do some art therapy. For the last 45 minutes I was pouring paint with goddesses that night, I was in that place where I did not feel my head. This is the goal. Go somewhere else, get so deeply into something the brain forgets itself.

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