Monday, April 4, 2011


Within two days of Steroids I have some range of motion and am no longer curled up in a screaming little ball.

God bless steroids. Goddess bless steroids.

I know that if I had not started the steroids I would be in the hospital or dead.
My head was exploding.

But what disease is this that every single step I take hurts my head?

So really, I should be in the hospital or dead but because I am on the steroids I went out for a walk and made a plan to work in the garden. I purchased fresh herb plants~silver thyme, rosemary, sage, catnip. I feel like a commercial for a drug. Take this You Dead Person, and tomorrow you will find yourself walking a golden retriever under a blue sky and wanting to plant pansies.

Still no sleep for me.

But Dr. Raab and I have spoken by phone and she wants me to try to sustain this medication level for five days and then call her.

Last night, as I was up the entire night again, I read about cluster headaches and they are so precisely what my own head experiences. The suicide inducing pain, the crushed eyeball and the inability to hold still.

Demon, thy name may be Cluster.

So what is this, transformed migraine plus complex migraine plus vestibular migraine plus status migraine plus hemicrania continua plus cluster headache plus trigeminal neuralgia plus peripheral neuropathy?

Tomorrow I see Dr. Ponti, a woman who may become my new PCP.

If I say, “I think a demon has sucked the coating off all of my cranial nerves.”
What do you think she will say?

I may also go to a Lyme Disease specialist. And I have the name of a pain management specialist. So there are some things in my arsenal.

Today was another good session with Olympia. Session 6.

The only time I really rest is that hour when I am on her table.

I now call her table Mt Olympus.

Today when she worked on me I felt that the right side of my head was filled with cactus. That all those cactus belong in the desert, and not inside my head, prickling my brain. Somehow we were dealing with it.

Once a week I go to Mt Olympus to experience some rest on a cloud. The pain curls up and takes a nap. She hushes it.

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