Tuesday, July 19, 2011

temporal arteritis, cranial arteritis, Vasculitis

Something else that can cause optic neuritis.

Isn't vasculitis what I have wondered about for years?

Amazingly, steriods help treat Optic neuritis.

Oh this post. It is just so like my past three years. Constantly searching, constantly scanning, hoping, becoming a quick expert on weird things. Reading about conditions like lymphocytic choriomeningitis (a rodent born infectious virus, recall I spent years cleaning out the Virginia house and attics. Mouse life everywhere.)

Will there ever be more answers?

I am even willing to give up all answers if there can just be a cure.

Now that the Amerge knocked the migraine down to a three or four day incident, I can so much more clearly see that then what I am left with is this other condition which seems more like a meningitis or encephalitis or something.

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