Monday, July 4, 2011


Tomorrow is MRI day. I am so terrified.

Have I told you how severe my claustrophobia is?

But I really want the information.
So I tell myself I am going on a special journey. This is the only way I can get these photographs taken.

When I had the last one in December it too was terrifying but I was somewhat in a better place then and had not gone through the last six months of terror and pain.

And I got in that MRI back east a couple of months ago and had to get right back out.
Thankfully my vertigo is not too bad right now.

In December I told myself it was my lion. The Masai have their lion. I have my MRI. I made it through. The girls were so kind.

I really hope I can make it through tomorrow for this cervical spine imaging.
I need the information.

I will rally all the powers I have and try to make it through.
If only they didnt have to strap you in, and put the cage over your face.
But I will breathe, breathe, breathe. And tell myself stories.
It is like getting in a space ship.

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