Thursday, July 14, 2011

Moon shaped pill


As soon as I am not so violently ill I am trying the Amerge.

11:15, trying half of a moon shaped pill

take it with some yogurt and a prayer

i kiss the box it came in

and go back to bed with goldfish crackers and a heating pad

what makes me call this a migraine? it is not just the head pain, i have that so much, it is the nausea, the extreme light sensitivity, put me in a dark room, don't move too much. No one talk to me.

11:30 I am now getting nauseaus from having taken the pill. But I take this as a good sign. Strangely, when the triptans seem to work best there is nauseau first.
It is a weird trade-off.

What also makes it a migraine, by my definition, is the way my brain goes nuts through the episodes. While drinking an icy coke i think how good a very hot tea would be and while applying the hot pack i think i need an ice pack not instead but also, as if i have two heads, and two minds who can perceive opposites simultaneously

meanwhile the smell of my own blood makes me nauseaus

i have blocked out all the windows upstairs, pulled shades and blinds, and curtains

for over a month i have been showering in a dark bathroom

it hurts when i cough or sneeze

but hey it is now 11:45 and i think the new pill is helping! I can see out of my left eye!

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