Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pregnant with Death

It is like I want to walk something out.

Like i am in labor.

like i am pregnant with death.

12:33 7-11-11 Wow.

An hour and fifteen minutes after the Amerge and it is helping. I want to cry with relief. I can lightly smile again.

1:30 effects seems to have plateau-ed
i tried to eat chicken soup but i am too ill

i am so nauseaus nauseus,
i am even nauseaus in my arms

i am in such a living hell.
the world's worst experiment. yes, i know there are others worse off then me, but still, this is pretty bad.

back to my dark room.

4:45 whew! Better.
couldnt eat my soup, had to go back to bed, but i slept! for an hour! then watched tv in the dark. got up and showered. and i feel better. i move slowly. but i am up!

I am going to make a Tres Leches cake for my mate's belated birthday. He is 54 now.

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