Thursday, July 14, 2011

Right Sided Head Pain Roars/Gelato Spoons of Codeine Syrup


So what is this? The "migraine" is gone but I have that severe right sided head pain. Pressure, like my head and teeth will blow out. What is this and how do I treat it? It seems impervious to everything. Last night I tried ibuprofen and today aspirin. Ice packs and hot packs make no difference. It is like the most awful tooth ache one could imagine. It is like I have a broken bone in my head.

Also, my glands in my left side of my neck are totally swollen again. They were huge for three weeks and then better for a week but now back to hugely swollen. Last night I felt like I might have a sinus infection. Maybe tomorrow I will start the antibiotics that Dr. Hopper prescribed.

There were moments today where I was in so much pain on R side head, plus dizzy, queasy, weak, frustrated, almost low blood sugary feeling.

Finally I begin taking tiny gelato spoon doses of codeine syrup. But it doesn't really do anything.

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