Wednesday, July 6, 2011

the MRI

Was so very happy to have made it through another head/neck MRI today because as I told the tech, "I am so claustrophobic now I got claustrophobic in a movie theater this week." She said someone came in and told her he was so claustrophobic he couldn't put on a band-aid.

I hear you!

And I am so grateful to Bree and Michelle and the front desk woman who helped me through it. Also all my friends and family and doctors and nurses and spirit helpers. I think even of my cats and dog and trees and music.

And then I also visit outer space and far galaxies.
And also the aboriginal people in the dream time.

They were painting my body with speckles.
Then the rains came.

We danced and leapt like frogs.

Then someone was saying sunshine sunshine sunshine sunshine over and over.

I stayed as very still as I could. They said they got good images.
I am relieved. Grateful. Whew.

And I think I could in the future help others with their phobias, as I have so been there.

Later in the day I ran into Lake Whatcom with my little friend June. What a joy!

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