Monday, July 11, 2011

school supplies

a lovely homecoming to NJ late Friday night

though i have a strange night/another sleep like seizure and walking into hall in dark, runnng away, dizzy, hot

Saturday brunch of fresh sweet corn crepes at the In Between'

a lovely day and an evening walk beneath the moon at the ocean with orange chocolate icecream cones

on the drive home a silver fox raced across in front of us

sunday morning=today. period starts, a bearable day with just ibuprofen but then at night i go to bed, (even drugging self with a little benadryl so i will sleep)

i wake up within two hours, very sweaty, with head pain

the head pain is all left sided

last month the pain moved left, after being in right since the Fall, and what does that mean? why has it migrated all to the left side?
is it contagious? migratory? spreading?
it is bacteria? fungus? parasite?

it is pinched nerves?

is the right side just too burned out to feel much right now?

well i have still had right sided pain and crackling but this left sided thing is the thud heavy painful migraine thing

so it is 3:40 am and i am up icing the left side of my head

this post is called school supplies because i want my life back
and at Target all the school supplies have come in, and I get so excited, like Fall is another Spring, and someday I will be well enough to teach and learn, to be teacher and student


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