Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Holy Trinity

I am feeling pretty damn good.

Not that my head pain is all resolved, not that sometimes my muscles don't burn with a strange fire, but I am upright and forward motion, at a time of month when I am sometimes headed to hospital or suicide.

So something about this combo of Antibiotic plus Amerge plus Ibuprofen has done some magic. Day 4 of the antibiotics.

So I still have crackling in the head on all sides and a weird deep pain like in the marrow of my skull bones, but I sleep 7 hours and I wake and I wait for the sledgehammer and the death rattle, and instead its just like, Oh, hmm, I have a really bad headache. Is that all? And i wait. And that is All!

And I get up and do my day.

Today I posted flyers around town to try to find Miss Beezle a home.


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