Tuesday, July 19, 2011

optic neuritis

For the past week, i think thanks to Amerge and then ZMax, I have been able to see out of both eyes. This is an incredible experience. For years I have not been able to see very well, the right eye is often crushed and foggy. And my depth perception is all wacko and I just plain can't see well. I have been going around in a dreadful and pressured haze.

To be able to see for the past few days is just a miracle.

What are the things that cause such severe optic neuritis? It looks again like it is MS, lupus, and Lyme Disease that are possible causes.

I recall I began losing vision in that right eye about five years ago, before the head pains began. I went to the eye doctor and he could not find a problem though he said he could not determine how hard my brain was having to work to compensate for a tired eye.

All I know is that I can see this week and I am very very happy about it.


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