Sunday, July 17, 2011

Crackly Head, Feral Kittens


Day 3 on the antibiotics

No adverse reactions

The first day it seemed hugely helpful, pressure reduced in head, crackling settled down. Day 2 seemed good too. But by this, the third night, the overall crackly head feeling was back (though not very bad) and there is slight build up of pressure in that back right side, and I laughed once tonight and the nerves in the right side of my head just screamed.

What to do? Continue to grit teeth and bare it.

Am up late listening to the bullfrogs.
And trying to figure out how to find a home for Miss Beezle, the feral kitten born last Fall, who survived 5 days 40 feet up a tree, and then the blizzards of winter on her own, was impregnated by Goodness this Spring, gave birth a few days ago in the neighbor's yard, and since then has been at our back door nonstop screaming for food and attention. She is just a kitten herself.

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