Thursday, July 21, 2011

Cloud Brain

I continue to wonder about environmental factors.

I have cyclical migraines wherever I go but there is this strange prickling in my head that is daily and I think only began late last summer.
It is is deep inside, so not the skin or bones, but between the bones and brain, like I grow cactus inside my head. Is this nerves? Is this? What, what is this?

I had been back in NJ only a single night when I felt the strange cloud shape settle into the right side of my head again.

It is like there is something here we breathe in. Like a strange gas, or a bloom of algae, something in the air.

My mate gets too many headaches also. He decribes a similar cloud in his head.

In the first years of it I asked all the docs what could it be? Said we had tested for radon and we had carbon monoxide detectors. I wonder about molds or radioactive countertops or that death spice smell that wafted through sometimes. In the heat of summer the house has strange ghost smells.

But no one knew what it could be, what in an environment could cause my health problems. And I have found nothing.

But two weeks ago I came back from the west and sat in the humid dark on the front step and felt the strange fog curl up like a cat in the right side of my head.

Could it be something in the ground? The air? Something that blooms in the pond?
My mate says he has seen on maps that there are undeground rivers beneath us, naturally, as the pond drains by and we are on a peninsular between two rivers.

Or is there some undiscovered gas, radon like, that no one knows and no one has named.

There does just seem to be something in the air.

It could explain why our neighbors are so very very strange, so aloof, so very Distant.

Everyone has The Vapours.

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