Tuesday, May 24, 2011

plane ride to NJ

So the Klonopin gave me a few hours sleep. At 7:45 am I am pretty much in agony and enraged by my pain. I cannot live every one of my days in a prison of such pain.

I decide to take another Imitrex and manage to make the trip to the airport. Baby steps I always tell myself. I break things down into hours. Or into minutes. Just get through this part...I tell myself.

My parents gave me a cheery send off and my sister Krystal and the kids arrived like sunshine wearing beach gear, shorts, sundresses, flipflops, and drove me to the airport in Seattle before they headed to Alki Beach for a day of fun in the sun.

I had a great aisle seat near the front of the plane and was able to stretch my left leg and knee often. Fatigue and drugs led me to take a quick blacked-out nap and I am not even sure I didn't lean on my neighbor at one point, though she was too polite to say anything. I just remember feeling like a long necked ostrich with a bobble head.

Towards the end of the flight, the well watered man (George) to my left across the aisle made effortless small talk for the remainder of our ride. At one point I did tell him I had been having disabling head pain and had not been working etc. I told him I was about to see a Lyme Disease specialist and he told me a fascinating story how his brother Robert, who was also his best friend, had been gravely ill for several years. No one could figure out what was wrong with him, and even his wife would call George and say that Robert was not right, and she didn't know what to do.

Finally, after seeing many doctors and not getting any answers, he did a lot of internet research and found a Lyme specialist, had new tests run, particularly a lumbar puncture, and indeed, he was very ill with Lyme.

George was not certain exactly what Robert had done for treatment but he did say that his brother was almost entirely back to his old life and health. He gave me Robert's phone number and encouraged me to call him.

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