Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dr. Laura Shelton

Dr. Laura has known me for twenty years. She helped me with a female healing crisis in my early twenties, saving my life essentially. When I was better, I went to work for her, and spent five plus years working at the Natural Health Clinic. The woman I hired to take my place when I moved on is still there and also a friend.

That said, I have not seen Laura as a patient in recent years as she is also booked far in advance and for some reason my times in WA have not worked with her schedule. Not meant to be, but this time, it was meant to be.

She is such an excellent Listener, and filled with ideas, wisdom, knowledge, and experience.

She had an intern there, a student from Bastyr named Megan, so it was as if I had two doctors. The more the merrier, I can use all the help I can get.

I tell her I am living with chronic pain, menstrual migraines began in 2007, 2008 I end up in ER and never get better, 2010 the right side of my head blows out like a volcano and leaves me very disabled. In April 2011 I ended up on steroids which save my life. I am seeking her guidance on hormones, nerve healing, pain management, etc.

The migraine arrived in Nov 2008 and has never really left.
Sometimes it just hides behind a piece of furniture.

Dr. Laura decides she will treat simultaneously for seizure and migraine.

She gets me scheduled with Dr. Paul DeJong for a Myer's cocktail, an iv infusion of nutrients. (Later I end up at ER and dont get this but I hesitate anyway as the IV contains B12 which I seem to have an adverse reaction to, but maybe in the future I can get an iv of magnesium and Vita C?)

She wants me to start MigraLeaf which contains magnesium, feverfew, and riboflavin. Wants me to increase my magnesium and begin Vitamin E. Also take B vitamins and fish oil. To begin betaine at meals to help me better absorb iron and vitamin D.

Also to take a one time homeopathic dose. (They choose Belladonna for me, 1M.)

She says Yes Test for Lyme again. She gives me a lab slip for a food allergy test and T3 test (also not done as I end up at ER but I will get done next time I am in town.)

She says cut out sugar from my diet and eat protein meals often.

She also wants me to start manganese and COQ10.

I leave there feeling loved and helped. Hopeful.

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