Sunday, May 8, 2011

An Amazing Day (May 5th)

Today seems like a miracle. I have the least head pain I’ve had in two weeks.
But actually I think it is the least head pain I have had in eight months, since last September.

Eight months of severe head pain.
But today=no migraine at all! And the Right side head pain was practically not there.
There was still sensation there, a slight dull ache, but there was no monster screaming in my face at the top of its lungs.

I attribute this to Simply-a Miracle-
But also factors that could have helped/are helping=
1. I am as far away from my period as I can ever get
2. I totally quit Flonase which was giving me nosebleeds and who knows what else
3. Monday night combo of ibuprofen plus klonopin seemed to help me feel better when I awoke
4. confidence in my doctors
5. love and support of family and friends
6. having gotten porphyria test sent off
7. feeling well enough in other ways that I was able to start taking B vitamins and fish oil again
8. and last but not least, two Olympia sessions in six days and Olympia Session 9 which was yesterday (and deserves its own post)

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