Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dr. Hopper, Occipital Neuralgia

May 9, 2011

Appt with Dr. Hopper

My bp is 132/88. My pulse is 72.

For the migraines he proposes I start the Imitrex earlier in my cycle and take as much as I need, advises I take more, more often.

As for my daily/nightly never ending right-sided head pain, he proposes that I might have occipital neuralgia. He refers me to Dr. Way Yin to pursue further diagnosis and nerve blocks, injections into my head, as treatment. (I call and get on the waiting list, as Dr. Yin is booked until the end of June.)

I ask about trying pure oxygen for what seem to be cluster headaches and he says he will prescribe oxygen for me if I really want to try it. I decide to try it at a later date. Dr. Hopper has been my doctor for a very long time and I like him very much, but I don't seem to be able to help him understand how disabled my head is making me, has made me, how I have been forced underground...

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