Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Lyme Results Visit 2 to Dr. Streit


As always his office staff is so nice. As is he. He reviews my many lab results. Nothing really shows up though, not in the Lyme, not in all the co infections. He has also tested me for hepatitis C and while I did not know he was going to test me I am glad he did, why not? and glad it is negative. Epstein Barr virus values look high to me. Again, maybe a virus is part of this puzzle I think.

He says that even though the lab tests did not show Lyme or co-infections, he thinks we should treat. He says my tests are suggestive of Lyme. He also says I can of course get a second opinion.

He recommends I start with a month of Bactrim. Sulfamethoxazole. One 2x a day.
Take acidophilus in between.

He warns me about the Herxheimer Reaction, where one gets worse before better.
He says the first month is the worst and then you begin to see benefits.

And I wonder is this why I got so much worse on three weeks of Augmentin earlier this year?

well, I am glad someone wants to do something.
I am not getting any better on my own.

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