Wednesday, February 23, 2011

for whom the blog tolls

I have been enjoying writing the blog. I relaxed all rules. I let go of grammar and punctuation, of caring what people might think, of believing that I needed to post on any consistent topic or theme, or that what I had to say had to be in any way good or important, or that I had to post only once a day. And so I have just been enjoying myself.

I gave up being concerned that what I felt like writing about was pedestrian, quotidian, that it seemed so self-centered or insular.

Pain locks you in a small room.

The blog is like getting out.

The blog is also like entering a fresh space and not having to do any housekeeping there.

The blank page is an empty uncluttered room.

The blog leaves the body behind.

I figured out who the blog is really for~

It’s for me, January 2012. I want to be around to look back and see what I was doing, to see that I survived, to know perhaps there was progress.

And then to look forward again.

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