Friday, August 26, 2011

Physical Therapy 2 and Hurricane Irene

Saw matthew at Crest Physical Therapy today for the 2nd time and oh it is both painful and so helpful. Good pain like intense massage pain. And I think this was long overdue. That the injury to my right shoulder and back from four years ago finally led to this, so now where I need to regain strength is in getting back and shoulders stronger, posture better, shoulders down and not up, so my poor neck is not doing all the work.

After my first session, the next day I had more hand strength than I had had in ages! Scrubbed some pink marker stains off the bar which had been there for weeks and which I had found immoveable.

For years my hands have been like cotton gloves taped on to sticks attached to a scarecrow. Terrible and weak and leading to clumsiness and frustration.
But I am getting better.

Less thumping in both sides of head. Less right eye twitching.
Still stabbing sharp neck pains and it doesn't like me to do anything involving arms, but still, this is progress!

We are preparing for Hurricane Irene. It is interesting to me how much hurricane preparedness for me means buying a lot of chocolate.
By yesterday all the stores were empty of water and batteries.
It could be quite the weekend.

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