Friday, August 19, 2011

And Now the Neck

It's Not Fair! That is all I can Scream.

I am now the Hunchback of Fair Haven.

I felt so good for a couple of weeks I went back to normal life, like gardening and mopping, and blew out my back. My upper neck/back. Like that bone that connects to head to the body just became a giant swollen goose egg.

I gave it two weeks and it didn't get better with ibu or ice or rest or prayer or denial so I went to beloved Dr. Ponti and she said basically Oh Dear. Increase my ibu, ice it, start physical therapy, rest, limit certain activity, then there are narcotic meds, there are injections into the area, there is time, there is surgery.

She wanted an MRI but since I just had a neck MRI a month ago I just could not do another one. So we agreed to an x-ray even though we both knew it wouldn't show much but such is the way of compromise and the need to Do Something.

I start physical therapy on Monday.
I am using the arnica cream and the arnica homeopathic pills.

Am becoming an expert on herniated disks in the neck and other un fun internet topics.
But thank heavens for the internet.

And please neck, can you heal? Please. Please.


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