Sunday, August 14, 2011

8-14-11 Thunder and Lightning and Beautiful Rain and time to start the Z-Max again

Oh Thank You for the Rain!

A night of rain and a morning of lush green rain. How blessed.

And I decide I will start Z-max again today.

I have managed to go a month without a migraine and that is Incredible, the first time since 2007 that has happened.

But I still have headache, and weird crackling, and my left knee began to blow out in the last few days and so dramatically, that in less than a day I went from being able to walk for half an hour to then being able to only get down half the block before I am limping and in pain and must turn back.

I feel exhausted and cranky. My right eye is crushed down. Something messing with the cranial nerves.

The upper spine is in a lot of pain, that place where my head and neck meet between the shoudlers or just above is on fire and hot to the touch.

And with the pain and the fatigue and the blear and the blurriness, I cannot get anything done at all.

And yesterday I could not see out of my eyes, so filled they get with floating bits and they can't focus. They are so tired, like they are covered in clouds.

Like they are filled with snowflakes of darkness.

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