Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hallelujah! Thank you Dr. Hopper

August 2, 2011

A week off Z-max plus my approaching period and my head was getting worse and worse. Finally today the crackling was in both sides and there has been a lot of nerve pain like cactus prickling for a few days.
So this morning I decided the Best Plan would be to repeat what made July such a good month, which seemed to be to take Amerge for the menstrual migraine and when I got through of that to see if I could try Z-max again.

So I called Dr. Hopper this morning and they called me a few times today to ask more specifics about why I wanted more, and then just now tonight Annie called back, just as I had returned from a walk with my head all miserable and swollen and crackling, and my darn Poor Right Eye totally crushed down again so I cannot see out of it and I feel all minotaur again (until today eye had been good for weeks! I could see!) and so I was researching online what Z-Max treats when Annie called and said

she is faxing in a prescription for me! They want me to have a 30 day supply. To take 2 pills and then a 5 day supply (like the pack was) and then 5 days off. And then to repeat.

I was so happy when I got off the phone I had a huge smile on my face and I jumped up and down!

I am so Happy!

I might get my Life Back!

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