Tuesday, August 2, 2011

One month off vitamins plus no knee pain update

For one month I have been taking none of my Vita D or magnesium or anything else. It started because I got too sick with the Plague in June to have anything but tea or soup for weeks and then I decided to see what happened when I didnt go back on them right away.
Then I did the new naratriptan and the Z Max.
The point is not that I don't think the vitamins and minerals were helping because I started them last Fall and they seemed to hugely reduce my overall body pain but that even then my left knee would sometimes scream so loudly I would lie in bed praying for amputation.
Then I started those antibiotics and for weeks now, no knee pain at all. None.

That makes it sound a lot like Lyme disease to me.
The joint pain was unbelievable, like a gator attached to the leg, or a volcano exploding inside the joint.

I have been walking, and walking. Wearing sandals. Flip-flops even. Walking. On feet for as long as I want. No Knee Pain!

A miracle!

And I want to go back on iron and magnesium and Vita D some time but I just don't know. Sometimes it seems like my body wants to be anemic. That it doesn't absorb minerals. That I have side effects. That the body has its own plan.

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