Sunday, August 21, 2011

Joy and Despair (my fb posts)

Joy~I wanted to share with you that for the 1st time in 4 years I just went an entire month without a crippling migraine! I credit the triptan Amerge and the antibiotic Zmax. (There is some suspicion that I have Advanced Lyme Disease.) I also credit Miracles!

Despair~I felt so good for 2-3 weeks that I resumed normal life (gardening, mopping, etc) and blew out my spine so that now the top portion looks like a feverish goose egg. Ouch. Ow. So today the doctor and then the spine x-ray. Physical Therapy starts Monday. Since meds don't do much for me please send your favorite body-numbing cocktail recipes. What cheers you up?

Tonight I am shopping online for neck disc replacements. I wonder how hard they are to put in? I could be bionic!

Neck has gotten slightly better. Only medicine today was a Bellini! And now a nice thunderstorm and the luxury of being in a cozy dry house looking out. Thanks to my Mom for reminding me to watch Long Way Round in which Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman ride their motorcycles across Mongolia and Russia (and Alaska and Eastern Europe). I am in Love with the whole Adventure.

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