Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Neighborhood and The Realtor's Friends

The realtor Elaine has two friends who are very will with Lyme Disease.

They are both at home getting iv antibiotics, sitting in their living rooms with drip lines.

They are getting better, she says.
They are slowly getting better.

I recall when we moved here five years ago I would see articles on Lyme Disease and sometimes benefits for people with Lyme, like marathons to raise money. A local woman who now lived in a wheelchair. I paid attention and was sorry and wished these people well but of course didn't really recognize any relevance to my self.

(though we had two dogs go down with Lyme)

I guess that all along I assumed these Lyme sufferers had not searched so long and hard for diagnosis but had just had a very bad run of luck not experiencing the usual benefits of treatment or that they had other co morbid conditions that made the Lyme so debilitating. I had no idea that "This" is what Lyme might look like. It might look like me, limping and almost falling down after walking half a block with the dog. Me as a zombie.

That is what Lyme looks like, a Zombie disease.

And I am still not sure if I have Lyme, or what this is.

I hope this next course of antibiotics will help revive me.

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