Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy New Year! It is 2011!

It is tempting to come back here. To find myself here, to find you here. There is so much snow. It is as if the world is a specially prepared cake all covered with an insanely thick creamy cold vanilla frosting. The colorful lights twinkle in the windows, hang in arches between pillars, it looks like this is the home of a happy witch, a happy warlock. The endless cat tracks in the snow might also give something away. The familiars come and go. At last count we were up to nine cats. There is a dog too and today we tried to protect the red crested cardinal in the tree whom we also love. We love every single player in the foodchain. Even God. Even the dirt. Even the red-winged bird and the moon faced cat.
We are, alas, down to our last duck. Ping shivers under the picnic table next to the iced over pond and we take him corn and bread. We lean down and look into his pale blue eye. Winter is so fierce.
May we all make it through the best we can. May we help all whom we can. Winter is so very harsh, even to itself.

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