Monday, February 8, 2010

Thinking Out Loud

What do I like in blogs? What do you like?
When I look at blogs I realize I like looking at pictures. I like white space.
Blogs seem best as showcases for images, with very small amounts of text.
If I want words, words, words, I will go to a book, or a newspaper.
I associate words with Paper.
The virtual world is great for images.

So as I define this blog, I think of it more as a way to organize and archive my thoughts, so that I can print them. For now I am just using the blog format for my own interior goals.

Blogs are also interesting showcases of personality, places where strangers can see into one’s semi private rooms. The blog pulls back the curtain from the drawing room. The person passes on the street looks in, and if interested, finds the front door unlocked.

So if I want to use the blog for what a blog does best, I should create or cultivate an aspect of my personality that interests me. And I should use the blog for images.
How to harness the blog form so it serves me, and my current goals, and doesn’t add a project or alley way? Not that I don’t like alleyways.
Perhaps a blog of poems and photos? Something in me balks. Poems want to be printed on paper, or written on leaves and hung from tree branches like feathery chimes, or floated down streams as rice paper boats.

February is still getting to know you month. I have just learned to link the text and photo, so they appear together and not as separate postings. Progress. Baby Steps.
Baby steps do not guarantee that when you can walk you can fly, but that is fine, since I don’t really like flying anymore. Give me the life of long walks.

As for goals, they can be so very concrete, because this is a material world and we have material needs. And so this year I would like a haircut, a pair of jeans, a laptop computer, and a car. My car started on fire three months ago and went to heaven on the side of the road near Freehold, New Jersey. I probably would not have started this Burble had I not been carless in suburbia in the winter. One must keep busy and I will be damned if I will give in to knitting. Ok ok, someday I will. But not yet.

There are other goals. To continue to try to achieve health, to take care of the body and help it become strong like an ant, to be actively supportive of the mate and family, to find a job, teach an online class, revise two rough draft novels and write a memoir, to spend more time west. There are dream trips, to see a friend in New England, to Key West, the Grand Canyon, Central America, the Mediterranean. The wide open spaces. Everywhere.

To be alive in the summer when the sun is high and the sand is white and the ocean is blue and the soft serve ice-cream is melting and the world is one long series of country fairs and the garden grows itself.

What is it you want to do?

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