Friday, February 12, 2010

Suddenly I am French

So there is a name for me, migraineur. And sadly I am not alone; woe is the world, filled with migraineurs.

I had two days off from migraine, then three days on, and now a day off. So in truth I have been too ill to read the books on migraine I checked out of the library but still the fact that the books exist gives me hope. Maybe I “just” have migraines. Maybe I can be treated.

There is nothing as spectacular as a day without a migraine, for someone who has migraines. Today the blankets of snow are receding. Sky is blue and sun is yellow. I am making raspberry shortbread for my Valentine, and cleaning the house, and getting ready to fly west in two days.

The house smells of melting butter and toasted coconut.
Outside the sound of chainsaws from so many snow-downed trees.

If I can ever muster a few more consecutive migraine-free days I am going to read the migraine book A Brain Wider Than the Sky by Andrew Levy.

Thank you universe for this day without pain!

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