Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dr. Carolyn Taylor, first Visit

Oh So Glad I Went.
Could hardly get out of bed to make the 9 am appointment but thank heavens i was able and did.

She has ideas. She was able to pull up my MRI. She was born and lived for four years right on the same river where I now live in NJ. She took my insanely complicated set of problems and made it simple, in a methodical way, without making anything seem overly simplistic.

Plan. Get the neck MRI. Follow up with Dr. Yin for pain management for right sided head pain, occipital neuralgia etc as this seems mechanical and may be helped with joint block injections.

Try Amerge for menstrual migraines. Begin at sign of aura preceding period and take a half dose every twelve hours for first many days of my period.

Get more blood work. Tests that have not been run. If any of them come back positive she will be sending me on to the rheumatologist.

Go see the infectious disease specialist Dr. Claire Beiser. Tell her whole story and yes can also ask her about testing for toxoplasmosis.

Come back to see her in a couple of months, after I have gotten through a few cycles with Amerge.

Be cautious about treating for Lyme. She thinks that it should show up on a test since I was not ever early on treated with antibiotics. If we really think it is Lyme, she does recommend an lp.

So I have a lot to go on.

And I am glad about this.

It wasn't an easy night as I am on Day 13 of the plague, but I got through. The scale at the doc's seems to say I have lost 8 pounds in two weeks but I know I will regain it as soon as I can eat more than chicken soup again.
My bp is coming down. Now it is 142/98
My pulse was 72

I had a moment of intense claustrophobia while in the treatment room with the door closed so I talked myself down and then went to look at a magazine to distract myself.

I rely constantly on distraction to keep myself going.
There is a lot of power in distracting the mind.

Now I just need to get stronger so I can go and get a lot more blood drawn.

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