Saturday, June 25, 2011

Darkest before Dawn, and my New Plan

Almost ended up back at hospital last night as I was a week into the Plague and it was deep into my chest I thought it was going to break my bones. Could not breathe or stop coughing and the day had just made me weaker and weaker. Had tried to walk for fresh air and was too weak so was back in bed for the third day. And since bp had been at 155/111 the day before and my lungs had turned to swamps, and that morning I had woken with the myalgia arm and leg pains, oh dread, I was finally about done in, Oh did i mention severe crackling head pain and red swollen eyes? and after midnight found myself crawling on floor crying. A real low point. But I took a lot more codeine cough syrup and went to bed and slept 6 hours and awoke feeling psychologically better. The cough still has me but I can breathe.

So I have a plan. Get tested for toxoplasmosis and malaria.
See the neurologist Dr. Taylor this week.
See Djuna Harper as soon as I am well enough to talk.
See the infectious disease specialist.
Get on waiting list for neurologist at headache clinic at UW in Seattle. Dr. Lucas?
Begin Dr. Streit's rx for Lyme plus coinfection as soon as I am well enough and as soon as porphyria tests back.
Begin the berberine I self prescribed very soon.
Know that I can begin treatment with Dr. Yin's pain relief injections once I get better enough to hold still and tolerate a procedure.

So it is good to have a plan.

And today I will keep my fluid and medication intake high because I think I slipped up yesterday and the pain and the virus crept up.

I know i am feeling better because I looked forward to swimming in Texas in a pool to rebuild some strength, and to maybe getting a small dog, and for my mate to have contact with horses, and maybe he wants to have a little cow.

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