Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 11 of the Plague and a visit to Dr. Hopper


Good to see Dr. Hopper today. I feel better when he listens to my heart.

So, Day 11 of the Plague and I have a fever and high bp. He says if i am not better in three days it is time to start antibiotics to ward off pneumonia.

The office staff has me wear a mask while I am in the waiting room.
It is soft and yellow.

He does allow me the Zomig, writes an rx for antibiotics, tells me he doesn't mean for me to slip through the cracks but it is true, I don't even fit into their between the cracks diagnoses like fibromyalgia. He tells me he will re read my two paged typed letter to see what he comes up with, tells me to see the new neurologist, tells me to get the neck MRI.

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