Monday, January 25, 2010

snowed in

So I used to just visit the kingdom of Illness, long forays there like intermittent layovers,
but in recent years it has become clear that I live there. There are no real spaces in between.

When I feel that thing I call happiness, I can tell it’s just a function of not being in pain.
A miracle.

I try not to look at my face too often because it’s like looking at a to-do list.

I have maladies for every letter of the alphabet. It’s like an Edward Gorey story.
A is for allergies, anemia, asthma, anaphylaxis.

As for the photos, enough snow?

It is like I am snowed in, in the body.
Talk about cabin fever.

(But I don’t want you trapped here with me, even though I will make you some tea and bake some chocolate chip pecan cookies for you.)

Trying to write the novel provides some relief. Instead of thinking about me, I think about the cast of characters, what they’re doing, their plans and hopes and dreams. They have their health and I hope to keep it that way for them.

As for blog plans, maybe each month will be a new theme.
January was accidentally illness, bleeding, and snow.
What will February bring?


  1. Cheery candy to celebrate the pink boots & umbrella in snow:

    I never think of a to-do list when looking at your face!

  2. A candy blog is a great idea~ but when will be able to eat what we see? One of my childhood wishes was to be able to grab the cupcakes out of television commercials. Are we there yet?
