Monday, August 10, 2015

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Ice and Expectation Sept 4, 2011

Began icing neck in earnest again yesterday and it likes it, it really does.

Meanwhile, sleeping on my back or side is just impossible.
I wake up on my stomach and tell myself I must turn over but then I hear myself say, "I can't. I am sleeping!"

So, what can you do? How much arguing with your asleep self can you do?

Meanwhile, I realize I wake up each day expecting my neck to be better and I don't understand why it is not.

I guess I expect it to magically heal in my sleep.

Obviously I am going to have to change my expectation.

Friday, September 2, 2011

C 6 and C 7 herniated Sept 2, 2011

Been just having a terrible time with the neck pain.
Had PT session 2 a week ago but then went and played mini golf for about twenty minutes and then had the hurricane and then my period and a migraine all at once and so forth, and my neck was very unhappy. Cancelled PT 3 as I was on migraine meds and ibuprofen and just couldn't add anything more.

Well today was tough as i had been up all night again in pain and then forgot i had another 1600 dollars in medical bills i had to pay which gave me a deep shudder

but then i rallied and said i only have this one life i cannot give up

so i called Dr. Ponti and my MRI results were in so I picked them up on the way to PT session 3

and i must also thank my sweet mate P for being so comforting today when I was feeling so bereft

so the MRI results which recall were done a full month before my neck blew out, looked good, Except for

"C6-C7 level: There is a small right posterior-lateral disc protrusion contouring the ventral thecal sac without apparent cord impingement."

so that Is where my pain and agony is and where the heat emanates and what doesn't want to be touched and where I feel knives stabbing me

so I must have just blown that out entirely

so at least I am clear on this= Must Heal Annular Ring. Must re grow protective coating.

Last night I had begun taking cal/magnesium again because I think I need a lot more building blocks.

Matt the kind PT guy said he would ease off of my therapy today and he wants me to rest and reduce back down from 4 kinds of exercises to only 2, and and the two are just
Chin Tucks
and Postural Alignment when sitting.

The Session was good.

Then P and I went to Cranbury to drop his broken camera lens off at Cannon.
We walked the streets and were sad to see the Blue Rooster had been flooded by the hurricane and was closed. I had a slice of pizza at Cranbury Pizza, we had icecream next door, we walked at the cemetery and then browsed in the Book Worm.

Returning home I read online that someone recommends ice, only sleeping on back or sides (impossible for me as i can only sleep on my stomach) (when i can sleep at all) and bouncing on a therapy ball for five minutes a day.

I am determined to heal.

September 2, 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011

Dr. Ponti and Ergonomics

Saw Dr Ponti yesterday and she is just a wonderful extraordinary doctor. There is always a plan. She agrees the swelling is down a lot and says continue PT and if not making great progress then she wants me to see an orthopedic specialist.

Meanwhile, we all agree that my laptop is not set up to be ergonomically correct and so must remedy that, maybe getting a keyboard to attach to it so I can have hands lower and shoulders not raised up.

I am working on a testomonial for her. Something like~
Dr. Ponti is an extraordinary doctor. Professional, compassionate, a good listener.
My own health issues are very complex but Dr Ponti has never been impatient or overwhelmed. She asks excellent questions, does thorough exams, and always has a plan. I am so grateful to get to be her patient.

Her office staff is cheerful and cordial and organized and very capable. I have been able to get in on short notice when necessary.

Dr. Ponti has consulted with my neurologist and helped maintain continuity of care.

If you are not absolutely happy and thrilled with your current doctor, I urge you to schedule an appt with Dr. Ponti. Your health is too precious. And life is too short.

Physical Therapy 2 and Hurricane Irene

Saw matthew at Crest Physical Therapy today for the 2nd time and oh it is both painful and so helpful. Good pain like intense massage pain. And I think this was long overdue. That the injury to my right shoulder and back from four years ago finally led to this, so now where I need to regain strength is in getting back and shoulders stronger, posture better, shoulders down and not up, so my poor neck is not doing all the work.

After my first session, the next day I had more hand strength than I had had in ages! Scrubbed some pink marker stains off the bar which had been there for weeks and which I had found immoveable.

For years my hands have been like cotton gloves taped on to sticks attached to a scarecrow. Terrible and weak and leading to clumsiness and frustration.
But I am getting better.

Less thumping in both sides of head. Less right eye twitching.
Still stabbing sharp neck pains and it doesn't like me to do anything involving arms, but still, this is progress!

We are preparing for Hurricane Irene. It is interesting to me how much hurricane preparedness for me means buying a lot of chocolate.
By yesterday all the stores were empty of water and batteries.
It could be quite the weekend.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kittens in the Garden

On Monday the 22nd, the day the house went up for sale and my mate's niece came out of surgery and I had my first PT, Shaka brought two kittens to the yard.

First a black one with a white heart on its chest.
And then a black and white one.

I named them immediately.
Nokie and Eadon.

(after the niece and the realtor.)

8-22-11 Picnic and earthquake

We took the puppy for a walk and a swim and a picnic at Thompson park in Lincroft while 40 realtors had lunch at our house.

We returned home after 1 and just before 2 an amazing earthquake made the house rock adn roll. It was a 5.9 centered in Virginia. Wow the earth is alive.